
Excellence in Preaching Initiative

鈥溾hen I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling.My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit鈥檚 power,so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God鈥檚 power.鈥
1 Corinthians 2:1b-5

What is the Excellence in Preaching Initiative?

Asbury Seminary has partnered with the Lily Foundation to launch the Excellence in Preaching Initiative. This initiative will:

  • Support local pastors in Hispanic, Latino and African-American churches.
  • Provide resources to create more effective ministry leaders.
  • Impact the spiritual health of Latino and African-American congregation.
  • Encourage formal theological education among Latino Pastors.

Why Preaching?

  • The Bible charges pastors to zealously preach the Gospel.
  • The Holy Spirit uses pastors to declare God鈥檚 word to His people.
  • Preaching equips, challenges, nurtures and empowers individuals to obey God鈥檚 will and carry out the mission of the Church in the world.

Our Strategy

Preaching and the competing priorities of pastoring in a local church often make preparing weekly sermons challenging. The Excellence in Preaching Initiative allows you to join a group of pastors with the same mission of excellent preaching.

Here鈥檚 how it works:

  • ALC offers Preaching Workshops by experts in Preaching and Communication.
  • ALC provides a series of bilingual audio / visual resources.
    • These resources feature African-American, Hispanic and Latino preachers known for their effective communication skills.
    • These resources provide opportunities for discussion and skill development.
  • Pastors participate in preaching coaching programs, and preaching retreats titled Preaching Boot Camps to sharpen existing and acquire new skills.

How can I participate in the Excellence in Preaching Initiative?

  1. Pray
    • Pray for the Initiative.
    • Pray for pastors as they faithfully prepare and preach every week.
    • Pray for congregations as they are impacted by the sermon every Sunday.
      • Invite an expert to present a workshop in your church or community.
      • Gather a group of preachers / pastor to be a part of a preaching retreat (Preaching Boot Camp).
      • Contact Dr. Danny Roman-Gloro at to start the arrangements.
    • Resources听
  2. Support
    • Give to the Initiative financially. Make a donation to 香港期期最准的一肖 earmarked to the听Preaching Initiative at 204 N. Lexington Ave., Wilmore, KY 40390.
    • Your contribution would allow the Excellence in Preaching Initiative to continue beyond the initial three-year grant period and provide for additional learning activities.
    • Contributions may be individual or congregational.

驴Qu茅 es la Iniciativa de Excelencia en la Predicaci贸n?

El Seminario Teol贸gico de Asbury听del Campus de la Florida听Dunnam听se ha asociado con la Fundaci贸n Lily para lanzar La Iniciativa de Excelencia en la Predicaci贸n. Esta Iniciativa tiene como prop贸sito:

  • Apoyar a pastores locales en Iglesias Latinas y Afroamericanas.
  • Proporcionar recursos para crear l铆deres ministeriales m谩s eficaces.
  • Impactar la salud espiritual de la congregaci贸n Latina y Afroamericana
  • Fomentar la educaci贸n teol贸gica formal entre los pastores latinos.

驴Por qu茅 Predicaci贸n?

  • La Biblia comisiona a los pastores a que prediquen el Evangelio con celo y denuedo.
  • El Esp铆ritu Santo usa pastores para declarar la palabra de Dios a su pueblo.
  • La predicaci贸n equipa, desaf铆a, nutre y empodera a las personas para obedecer la voluntad de Dios y llevar a cabo la misi贸n de la Iglesia en el mundo.

Nuestra Estrategia

La predicaci贸n y las demandas de pastorear en una iglesia local, a menudo hacen que la preparaci贸n de sermones semanales sea un desaf铆o. La Iniciativa para la Excelencia en la Predicaci贸n le permite unirse a un grupo de pastores con la misma misi贸n de alcanzar estrategias para una predicaci贸n excelente.听

驴C贸mo funciona?听

  • ALC, ofrece talleres de predicaci贸n por expertos en predicaci贸n y comunicaci贸n.
  • ALC, provee una serie de recursos audiovisuales biling眉es.
  • Estos recursos cuentan con predicadores afroamericanos, hispanos y latinos conocidos por sus habilidades de comunicaci贸n efectiva.
  • Estos recursos brindan oportunidades para la discusi贸n y el desarrollo de destrezas.
  • Los pastores participan en programas de entrenamiento de predicaci贸n y retiros de predicaci贸n titulados Laboratorios de听贬辞尘颈濒茅迟颈肠补听para mejorar las habilidades existentes y adquirir nuevas.

驴C贸mo puedo ser parte de La Iniciativa de Excelencia en la Predicaci贸n?

1. Ore

  • Ore por la Iniciativa.
  • Ore por los pastores mientras se preparan y predican fielmente cada semana.
  • Ore por las congregaciones que ser谩n impactadas por un serm贸n cada domingo.

2. 脷nase

  • Invite a uno de nuestros expertos a presentar un taller en su iglesia o comunidad.
  • Re煤na a un grupo de predicadores / pastores para formar parte de un retiro de predicaci贸n (Laboratorio de听贬辞尘颈濒茅迟颈肠补).
  • Comun铆quese con el Dr. Danny听Roman-Gloro听a听danny.roman-gloro@asburyseminary.edu听para comenzar los arreglos.

听3. Recursos

Descargue nuestros recursos en:听/academics/latino-center/resources/

Descargue gratuitamente nuestro libro听别濒别肠迟谤贸苍颈肠辞 sobre predicaci贸n haciendo听uso听del听siguienteenlace:听

4. Sostenga

  • Contribuya a la Iniciativa financieramente.听
  • Puede hacer su donaci贸n a:听 AsburyTheologicalSeminary听destinada a鈥澨PreachingInitiative y env铆ela a 204 N. Lexington Ave., Wilmore, KY 40390.
  • Su contribuci贸n permitir谩 que La Iniciativa de Excelencia en la Predicaci贸n contin煤e m谩s all谩 del per铆odo inicial de subvenci贸n de tres a帽os y proporcionar谩 actividades adicionales de aprendizaje.